To find out where you are and start heading in the right direction, get our your handy compass. Part 2: Find your compass and meditate on it. Next round 4 Splays all strikes x8, then 3 Splays and all strikes 圆.

Keep going until you get to 5 Splays and all strikes x10. Then Splay-Punch x2, Splay-Punch x4, Splay-Punch 圆, Punch 圆 from Mount, Punch 圆 from Guard, Punch 圆 Standing. the upright bag, Then Splay Punch x2, Splay Punch x4, Punch x4 from Mount, Punch x4 from Guard, Punch/Kick x4 Standing. No excuses! Start with Splay Punch x2, Punch x2 from Mount, Punch x2 from Guard, Standing Punch/Kick x2 vs. But if you only have one or none at all, you can either make one or punch the air. This works great with two heavy bags, one standing and one lying flat. Part 1: A nasty little pyramid with no breaks. The Cabal Fang Workout of the Week is two-parter. If you enjoyed his training involution you’d probably enjoy my books. And, as always, record your results and thoughts in your training journal. This phrase, when split and used in this manner, will focus your mind and urge you into box breathing. Hesitate with lungs empty and airway open as you mentally recite the second half of the phrase. Recite the first half as you breathe out.
#Hermetic cross meaning full
Hesitate with lungs full and airway open as you mentally recite the second half of the phrase. Mentally recite the first half of the phrase as you breathe in. Set a timer for 15 minutes and assume your meditative posture of choice. Pick a famous quote from your choice of wisdom literature - a Bible passage like the one I used (“Be ye therefore perfect as your father, which is in heaven, is perfect” ~Matthew 5:48) or a quote from the Tao Te Ching (“Those who know do not speak. Think of a suitable phrase, about a dozen words, that embodies your intent. Intent is the secret sauce that makes everything you do open up like a flower (last week I explored a related idea in this video). Spend 15 minutes honing your intent with meditation. (if you need some flow drills, read Chapter 26 of the CFSG). If you’re going solo, run flow drills with your heavy bag, grappling dummy, floor bag, etc. Spend 15 minutes working on your action and reaction. How do you do that? Here are some ideas: break down a technique by practicing it slowly, get in front of a mirror and analyze your movement, p ractice your kata, poomse, hyung, etc. Heart: Martial Arts Training Involution #178 Thus we see them cropping up everywhere - the Four Living Creatures from Ezekiel, the four heavenly creatures (Ox, Lion, Man and Eagle), the Four Holy Beasts from Vietnamese folklore, the Four Symbols from Chinese folklore, etc. These associations are prehistoric and are equated to the four directions. In Cabal Fang martial arts, these four things equate to the Hermetic Quaternary - “To Know, to Will, to Dare, to Keep Silent.” In the Frontier Rough ‘n’ Tumble martial arts milieu, these equate to the four animal teachers - Stag, Bobcat, Dog, and Hawk - and of course to the cross and to the medicine wheel. In martial arts, the heart sits at the the intersection of form, intent, action, and reaction. The heart is the center, the core, where everything begins and ends. Check them out at or wherever fine e-books are sold. If you liked this post you’ll love like my e-books. There is mystery at the center of the Quaternary that awaits you, but I dare not name it for fear of spoiling the revelation.Ĭheck it out and let me know what you think. So I’m leaping at the chance to make this deceptively simple framework accessible to a wider audience. The power of the Cross is not to be taken lightly. I’ve been working with the Hermetic Cross for almost thirty years, and still each year brings a new insight or two. All we can say is that it was first revealed in Eliphas Levi’s book Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie and not widely known until Levi’s book was translated into Transcendental Magic, Its Doctrine and Ritual by A. Nobody really knows how old the Quaternary is or where it originated. So when he asked me if I’d be willing to come up with a month of daily meditation exercises for his site, I immediately said “Yes!” and began to put together a program based on the Hermetic Cross, a.k.a. That sort of thing really resonates with me. John Bell over at is starting to build up a Fundamentals section at the library - an area that encourages people to get off the sofa, put down the cell phone, and do some real spiritual work.